The Delaware River Port Authority and PATCO will once again host the start and finish of the Multiple Sclerosis Society’s Bike MS: City to Shore Ride.
Proceeds from the event will support medical research and community service programs in the fight to cure MS, a disease of the central nervous system.
Saturday, 9/28 - Special Schedule
Portions of the Woodcrest parking lot will be closed from midnight (12 a.m.) Friday, 9/27 until 5 p.m. Sunday, 9/29. Please review the lot diagram and legend below for lot closing information. Please remove your car by the times listed or park in the designated customer parking area. Your vehicle may be towed if it is not removed in time. Thank you for your cooperation.
For Bike MS information, call (800) 445-BIKE or visit
For PATCO information, call (856) 772-6900 or (215) 922-4600.